Uloma Immigrants' House


The Uloma Empowerment Program enhances literacy among disadvantaged families. The primary goal of the Uloma Empowerment Program is to improve overall wellness, which includes Health, English, and financial literacy, within immigrant and disadvantaged families. We partnered with local libraries and local organizations to develop an engaging ESL literacy program for adults, children, and families. Within our semester syllabi, not only do we want to incorporate aspects of literacy, such as phonics, vocabulary, and comprehension, but we also emphasize aspects of health literacy, especially as it pertains to the health concerns of the Flint community. We encourage participants to be proactive about understanding their health. When patients cannot communicate effectively with their healthcare providers, this leads to reduced rates of adherence to medical interventions and preventive screening, as well as misdiagnosis.

Educational Sessions in:

  • – Basic Literacy (reading, writing, basic math)
  • – ELL (English Language Learning)
  • – High School Equivalency Degree
  • – Financial, Digital, and Health Literacy
  • – Professional Development (career application, resume/CV writing)
  • – Rental Housing Education
  • – Care Management
  • – Job Readiness

“Body, Mind & Soul” Project

  • – Health Literacy Presentations
  • – Group Sessions
  • – Family Sessions
  • – Individual Sessions
  • – Food Pantry and Nutrition
  • – Navigation to Affordable Medical Care
  • – Mental Health Services
Sign Up for Sessions

Employing a two-generation strategy, the program addresses the educational needs of both adult participants and their children simultaneously. Activities include:

Literacy Enhancement Sessions:

  • – Conduct weekly/bi-weekly literacy sessions
  • – Tailor curriculum focusing on improving reading comprehension, vocabulary, and language fluency.
  • – Practical exercises include reading food labels and bus schedules, job postings, and instructional materials relevant to daily life.
  • – Group discussions and interactive activities promote engagement and foster belonging in the community.

Examples of our health literacy presentations:

Mental Health
Cancer Prevention

Life Skills Workshops:

  • – Sessions covering essential skills for employment and independent living.
  • – Topics include resume writing instruction, job application completion, mock job interviews, budget management, and financial literacy.
  • – Role-playing scenarios simulate real-life situations to reinforce learning outcomes.

Health Literacy Sessions:

  • – Monthly sessions dedicated to improving participants’ understanding of their health.
  • – The curriculum includes basic medical terminology, common health concerns prevalent in the Flint community, and preventive care strategies.
  • – Health professionals deliver presentations, fostering open dialogue and addressing participants’ questions and concerns.
  • – Examples of activities include how to measure blood pressure and check blood sugar during Hypertension and Diabetes sessions.

Two-Generation Approach:

  • – Supplementary educational materials and tutoring were provided for participants’ children who were not excelling in school.
  • – Engaging activities designed to improve basic English language skills that contribute to greater education outcomes.
  • – Activities include monthly enrichment sessions for engaging parents and children to play interactive educational games, wellness activities (meditation practice, coping skill games, anger management board), and social activities (movies, cooking classes, planting a garden).

Reach Out Today
For more information about our initiatives, contact us to get involved and support our mission.